Oekraïense componist schrijft 'oorlogsstuk'
- Klassiek
- Oekraïense componist schrijft 'oorlogsstuk'
De Oekraïense componist Boris Loginov (1990), moest zijn huis in Obolon, vlakbij Kyiv, onlangs noodgedwongen verlaten. Hij schreef korte tijd geleden een stuk 'Draft 22' met geluidsbestanden die hij nog op zijn computer had staan. In de muziek is zelfs het geluid van een explosie en sirenes te horen.
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In onderstaande tekst vertelt Boris over het ontstaan van de compositie (Engelse vertaling is van Albert Saprykin):
The work is created from various audio files that happened to be on my computer (there were not many). Almost all the sounds and recordings, except for the re-edited passages of Taneyev's cantata and sirens, have been changed either beyond recognition or simply greatly amplified.
Fun fact: the computer is old and stopped working immediately after downloading the file from the program.
The materials that have been used:
- Some random nameless files where the orchestra is playing something
- Also recordings of street sounds are made on the phone, mostly falling rocks and wind.
- There are still sounds of distant doors in my parents' house found in distant folders (the house is 30 km from Kyiv, we left it)
- Pieces from recordings of my own choral works are used.
- Also, one explosion and one siren that have been recorded during the war are used.
- Excerpts from various parts of Taneyev's* cantata "John of Damascus", which have remained there since my studies at the Music Academy in Kyiv years ago
It is a little inconvenient that Taneyev is here. But why is he there? Maybe because the still-living computer had a limited number of random recordings that could be used, or maybe I just wanted to emotionally dissolve that high-spirited message, or maybe because — while studying in the academy, before 2014, we, as young students, kinda liked Russian culture — this time little by little bombs were being prepared and I just had to say it somehow, or none of the versions is completely true and it's just my not very sharp mind today and weak ability to filter and weigh words and gestures. I do not know.